Master CMU for UM Students

1) Organization

French students involved in the MSM-Master have to validate the two semesters of each year of the Master. The first and the third semester consist in six (6) academic units, and the second and fourth semesters consist in two (2) academic units and 6-month industrial or laboratory internship.


In order to obtain also the CMU Master, French students have to be registered to CMU’s Master from their first year of their Master in France and for 30ECTS/18 TC (which represents the half of the total credits at CMU). These 30ECTS/18 TC are decomposed on two (2) lecturer courses of 5ECTS/3TC each of them and 20ECTS/12 TC for the Master Thesis. During the first year all courses take place at UM. French students have the choice to make the first 6-month Master thesis in France or in Thailande. During the second year, the courses take place at UM during the third semester, and at CMU during the fourth semester. During the fourth semester, students have to follows two (2) academic units and make the second 6-month Master Thesis in CMU. Both universities are in charge of the two 6-month Master thesis. Both French and Thai lecturers take part in students Master’s thesis examination.


2) Registration

French students have to be registered to this Double-Program before October. Please contact quickly the RI correspondent of the mechanical department to know all the documents to be supplied.

3) Graduation

In order to be awarded with the CMU Master’s degree, French students will have to obtain the overall of 60 ECTS/ 36 TC within two years. French students have to be registered to CMU’s Master from their first year of Master in France. Indeed, in contrast to Thailand, the professional thesis in France is distributed over two periods of six months during the second and fourth semesters. At least, one of these two professional theses must be done in Thailand.

During the second year of their Master in France, the courses take place at UM during the first semester, and at CMU during the second semester.The CMU’s Master for UM students will be composed of:

  • 30 ECTS/18 TC: delivered by UM during the first semester of the second year
  • 10 ECTS/6 TC: delivered by CMU during the second semester of the second year
  • 20 ECTS/12 TC: professional thesis or equivalent. Both universities are in charge of the thesis. Both French and Thai lecturers take part in students Master’s thesis examination.

4) Proposed program

(#) The credits can be chosen freely from the following list :

  • Plate Theory
  • Elastic stability
  • Metal forming
  • Light-Weight Structure Design
  • Mechanical properties of materials

—>See this following link to asses to  much more details on courses.