International Program: Double-Degree Master of Engineering
Montpellier University (UM, France) & Chiang Mai University (CMU, Thaïlande).
For a unique experience in Europe and Asia, this double degree program is an extraordinary opportunity to obtain two degrees in two years:
- the “Master Modélisation et Simulations en Mécaniques (MSM)”, awarded by the University of Montpellier (France),
- the “Master in Mechanical Engineering (MME)” awarded by the University of Chiang Mai (Thaïlande).
With a double degree master program, you will divide your study time into different periods in each country. You will be offered to conduct a master thesis in collaboration with both universities where you will have advisors from two universities at the same time. The expansion of your insight on academics will not be limited to your thesis. You will be able to see different types of study environments, teaching and learning styles in two different programs.
You will have the chance of doubling your network. You will get in contact with academicians, students and professionals in both programmes. Potential employers highly value the international experience offered through the double degree program, not just in terms of engineering skills, but also as far as life skills are concerned. This experience will definitely enhance your employability! More broadly, experiencing two different university systems and cultures, fosters the development of your individual personality and sharpen your awareness of cultural subtleties.
In simple words, you are able to experience the best of both worlds!
1) Presentation
This program is supported by:
- Mechanical Department of the Faculty of Engineering of CMU,
- Département de Mécanique of the Faculté des Sciences of UM
- The Laboratoire de Mécanique et Génie Civil (LMGC) of UM and CNRS.
The Master’s degree in “Modélisation et Simulations en Mécaniques (MSM)”
The specificity of the master is due to the combine formation: Engineering and Mathematics. This dual expertise gives to students the scientific, theoretical and numerical tools for engineers, which are necessary to solve mechanicals problems and build a consistent reasoning.
This master is supported by a solid network of academics and industrials partners in a field in which the University of Montpellier and LMGC are at the forefront of training and research on a international level.
The Master of Mechanical Engineering (MME)
Faculty of Engineering was founded on June 3, 1970 with the purpose to create qualified engineers who have appropriate knowledge and skill for the engineering profession. According to the policies of Chiang Mai University and government, the faculty aims to conducting researches and providing community’s services. This program is designed to offer students an opportunity to learn theoretical aspects of Engineering, Health Science, and Science in lecture rooms and laboratories. This program emphasizes using the engineering knowledge. The program also prepares students to have a good communication and language skills
2) General Organization
For CMU Students :
In order to enable CMU students to obtain also the UM Master, the CMU Master will be completed by five (5) academic units made by UM lecturers at CMU during the first year. During the second year, students have to spend six (6) months in France and six (6) months in Thailand for the Master thesis.
—> Assessment of knowledge acquisition and graduation for CMU Students
—> Thai Version
For UM students :
In order to enable UM students to obtain also the CMU Master, students have to be registered to CMU’s Master from their first year. During the first year, all courses take place at UM. During the second year, the courses take place at UM during the third semester, and at CMU during the fourth semester.
—> Assessment of knowledge acquisition and graduation for UM Students
3) Contact
For UM students:
Emilien Azéma :
For CMU students:
Itthichai Preechawuttipong :